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HomePizzaHow Many Slices In A Large Pizza? Complete Pizza Slice Guide

How Many Slices In A Large Pizza? Complete Pizza Slice Guide

How many slices are in a large pizza? Pizza is a delectable and well-liked snack that comes in a variety of sizes. Everyone has had trouble ordering pizza because they don’t know how much to order. We’re here to help because it seems like there are just too many sizes, and it can be difficult to determine which size you need.

The majority of people concur that a medium-sized pizza has a diameter between 10 and 14 inches and that a large pie has a diameter between 14 and 18 inches or more.

Knowing how many slices there are in a big pizza and an extra large pizza will help you decide how many pizzas to order with the greatest degree of accuracy.

How many slices are on a large pizza? is a question that many pizza enthusiasts have been asking for years. This question’s seemingly straightforward response is rather intricate. There are three ways to figure this out: the first is to use math, the second is to use geometry, and the third is to guess.

How many slices are on a large pizza? is one of life’s great questions, and it will be resolved in this blog post. and with some other fascinating pizza-related facts.

How many slices are in a large pizza?

Depending on the size of the pizza and the method of cutting it, a large pizza may have fewer or more slices.

A large pizza typically has a diameter of 14 to 16 inches and is divided into 8 or 10 slices. For smaller portions, certain pizzerias may slice their enormous pizzas into 12 pieces.

It’s also important to keep in mind that some pizza shops could sell huge pizzas in various sizes, which could change the number of slices.

How big is the pizza?

The size of the pizza must first be established before we can respond to the issue of how many slices there are in a large pizza. The diameter of a pizza determines how many slices it has, which is important. To ensure there are enough pieces for everyone, a large pizza should have a minimum diameter of 14 inches.

The typical size of a medium pizza is between 10 and 14 inches, whereas the typical size of a large pizza is between 14 and 18 inches. As a result, a big pizza often has a larger base than a medium pie.

A pizza slice is what?

The definition of a pizza slice is necessary before we can respond to the issue of how many slices there are in a large pizza.

The most typical way to eat a pizza is as a slice. Its thinness and the variety of toppings it contains—some slices have sauce put on them, others don’t—make it distinctive. The recommended serving size for each pie is three to four slices, but most people only eat one or two when they’re full.

A slice of pizza is just a piece that has been cut off from a bigger pizza. The size of the pizza from which the slice was cut will determine its size.

For instance, if you cut a 12-inch pizza into eight equal pieces, each piece would be 1.5 inches wide. A 16-inch pizza would be divided into eight equal pieces, each of which would be 2 inches wide. And so it continues.

Let’s calculate the number of slices in a big pizza and the number of slices in an extra-large pizza now that we understand what a slice is.

Why do we count pizza slices rather than the pie’s area or diameter?

Many people mistakenly believe that the size of pizzas is more important than how many slices they produce. This is untrue, though, as if it were true, each slice would differ according to the size of your pie. In the end, you would receive more pizza space than you had paid for.

A large pizza has how many slices?

A large pizza has how many slices

Given the size of a large pizza, we can now respond to the issue of how many pieces there are in a large pizza. There are three methods for responding to this query: math, geometry, or estimation.

The mathematics.

As math is the most precise method of answering questions, we will use it for this one. The math-based method for calculating how many pieces are in a large pizza is quite simple.

Method 1: All that is required is that you divide the pizza’s diameter by two. The outcome should then be rounded up to the next whole number.

The math would indicate that there are 8 entire slices and 1/2 of a slice in a 16-inch pizza, for instance. The result would then be rounded up to 9 complete slices for a 16-inch pizza.

Simple enough, right?

Another illustration: if you have a pizza that is 20 inches in diameter, math would indicate that there are 10 entire slices and 12 slices that are half an inch. With a 20-inch pizza, you would then round the result up to 11 complete pieces.

Method 2: A large, standard pizza typically has a circumference of 14 to 18 inches. This will provide us with a rough estimate of the area of a circle of radius times pi (3.14), or half the diameter, or 7.07 inches). The solution will be roughly 22.99 square inches per slice in this case.

As there are 12 slices per pizza, a typical big pizza has a total area of about 283.88 square inches.

Although it might differ slightly based on the size of the pizza and the crust’s thickness, this figure will be close to it.

As you can see, the math is fairly easy to understand. Finding out how many slices are in a pizza is as simple as measuring its circumference.

A geometry.

We have a solution for you if arithmetic is not your thing or if you want an alternative method to determine the number of slices in a large pizza. There is a different perspective on this issue that doesn’t require any calculations or formulas: geometry.

At first, a circle should represent the diameter of the pizza you’re interested in. Then, draw lines from the circle’s edge to its center, slicing the circle into 12 evenly spaced segments. The last step is to assign a number to each slice.

As an illustration, consider the following:

It’s easy to see how many slices make up a huge pizza now that your circle has been sliced into 12 pieces! The 20-inch pizza in our example has 11 entire slices and one-half of a slice.

As you can see, there are ways to calculate how many slices there are in a huge pizza using geometry and math. The outcome is the same regardless of which path you take!

Hence, you are now aware that a big pizza typically contains between 9 and 11 full pieces. Enjoy.

A prediction.

Let’s face it, we all want to know the solution to this problem as quickly and simply as possible. Fortunately, there is a straightforward method you can use without any mathematics or formulas to determine how many slices there are in a large pizza. Your eyes and some basic math are all you need.

Method 1:

Divide by two the diameter of the pizza. The outcome should then be rounded up to the next whole number.

Let’s use a 16-inch pizza as an illustration. Simply divide 16 inches by 2. It will be 8 inches. Round the result up to the nearest nine inches. See? easy to do!

Method 2:

A large, standard pizza typically has a circumference of 14 to 18 inches. You will receive an estimate of 11 to 13 slices as a result. Once more, as long as your methodology is sound and you round up the result if it contains a decimal, you’ll have a reliable estimate. That is how simple it is!

All that’s left to do is decide which of these incredibly diverse approaches suits you the most, now that we’ve discussed how many slices there are on a large pizza! Whatever the situation, you can always obtain a fairly accurate response. The pizza is delicious.

That’s all there is to it! How many slices are on a large pizza? The most thorough response Depending on the chain restaurant, a large pizza will have anywhere from 12 to 14 slices. Remember this information the next time you order pie, so you can adjust the slice size to suit your dietary requirements!

In conclusion, a big pizza often has 9 to 11 complete pieces. No matter what method you use, you’ll be able to estimate the number of slices in a large pizza. Enjoy.

So now you know how many people a large pizza can serve the next time you wonder! With some leftover food, it can comfortably serve two people or four people without any leftovers.

Other elements enter the picture, such as the location of the restaurant and the size of the real pizzas from different locales. Remember that this is a rough estimation for a typical big pizza from a restaurant. Depending on where and how big your pies are ordered, your particular experience could differ.

Next, we’ll compare the number of slices on a large pizza at three renowned pizzerias.

What is the standard dimension of a pizza slice?

What is the standard dimension of a pizza slice
What is the standard dimension of a pizza slice

A slice of pizza typically measures 4 inches across and 3/4 inches thick. Moreover, it typically weighed 2-4 ounces; however, this can vary depending on how your dough was prepared. While some nations, like Italy, prefer smaller bits, the United States tends to have more enormous slices.

How can you figure out how much pizza you need for your gathering?

You must be aware of who will consume the pizza and how hungry they are. We advise buying two medium pizzas with six pieces or slices each if there are 8 people at your party. This way, everyone gets a slice without feeling obligated to consume too much.

How much does a large pizza typically weigh?

Depending on the amount of cheese and toppings you use, a pizza can weigh anywhere from 12 to 14 ounces. The most accurate approach to determining how many grams or ounces you are eating is to use a scale.

Pizza Hut, Domino’s, and Papa John’s: How Many Slices In A Big Pizza?

Large pizzas with a diameter of 14 to 16 inches are available from both Pizza Hut. This indicates that the number of slices in the large pizzas at both establishments is comparable. Typically, there are 10 to 12 complete slices at each restaurant.

Still, Domino’s lets you choose from a variety of toppings for your pizza, so the number of slices may change depending on what you choose. Yet often, large pizzas from Pizza Hut and Domino’s come with 10–12 complete pieces.

On the other hand, a 20-inch-diameter large pizza is available from Papa John’s. This means that a large Papa John’s pizza usually has between 12 and 14 full slices.

Why am I unable to order the pizza slices I want?

Because they must adhere to the rules established by the US government, pizza shops are unable to serve you the size slice you desire. Many people have asked for a personal pizza option, but it’s not likely to be added any time soon.

Do Pizza Hut, Domino’s, and Papa John’s offer individual slice sizes?

How many slices make up a large pizza at Pizza Hut, Domino’s, and Papa John’s? Now that you know the answer, how big and how many calories are in each slice at these three well-known pizza joints?

Pizza from Pizza Hut without gluten.

Around 8 whole pieces make up a big gluten-free pizza from Pizza Hut. Since it wasn’t made with people trying to limit carbs in mind, a regular big pizza usually has more slices than a gluten-free one.

For those trying to shed weight or avoid gluten in their diets, the absence of a crust still makes this dish incredibly tasty and filling! For a party or large gathering, this would be a great option!

Regular Pizza Hut gluten-free slices are typically 2.5 inches broad and 6 inches long.

Pizza Hut gluten-free pizza, 8 slices, 114g each slice

pizza pan from Pizza Hut.

Regular pan pizza from Pizza Hut typically comes in slices that are about 2.5 inches broad and 6 inches long. This yields a sizable portion that will satisfy your hunger without overindulging you. This is the ideal choice if you like the taste of traditional pizza.

Pan pizza from Pizza Hut, 16 slices, 143 grams each slice.

Domino’s hand-tossed pizza.

Around 10 slices typically make up a big hand-tossed Domino’s pizza. The crust that results from hand tossing is thinner and crispier than some of the other options on this list. Many people like the thin and airy slice that results from this.

Domino’s Pizza has a stuffed crust.

As you may anticipate, stuffed crust pizza from Domino’s will have larger slices than their standard hand-tossed variety. Around 13 pieces make up a big, stuffed-crust pizza, making it the ideal size for hungry diners!

3.5 inches wide and 8.5 inches long make up the largest slice of a Domino’s Stuffed Crust Pizza.

Pizza by Dominoes with a Filled Crust, 13 Slices (1 Slice = 143g),

A Papa John’s pizza.

Around 12 slices make up a normal-sized Papa John’s pizza. For individuals who like a lot of food, this may be the best option on this list because it is one of the bigger selections.

Another well-known characteristic of Papa John’s pizza is its particularly delicious and doughy crust. This pie is for you if you like the flavor of authentic pizza. 7.5 inches long and 3 inches wide make up the largest slice of a Papa John’s pizza.

Pizza from Papa John’s, 12 slices (1 slice = 128 g).


Depending on the brand and size of the pizza, a large pizza may have fewer or more slices. But, you can usually find an extra-large pizza with 12 to 14 slices at restaurants that are part of larger chains. Enjoy!

You may order your next pizza party with confidence now that you are aware of how many slices are on a large pizza from Pizza Hut, Domino’s, and Papa John’s.

As you can see, the size of the slices varies slightly depending on the type of pizza. Your order’s specific pizza brand and kind will also affect the total. To ensure that the slices cook uniformly in the oven, the majority of companies adhere to a fairly regular thickness for their slices.

Be sure to keep this information in mind when placing your next meal order if you’re attempting to lose weight or restrict carbs! If you consume too many large pieces of pizza over time, you might be astonished at how much it might impact your total calorie intake.

Why are some pizzas served with only eight pieces rather than 12 or 16?

Some pizzas only come with eight slices since their thin crusts can’t hold as many toppings. Certain pizza joints, like Pizza Hut and Little Caesars, produce their own distinctive crusts, and they frequently make them thick enough to hold 12 or 16 pieces.

More information On Calories?

The majority of typical pizza slices have between 150 and 300 calories per slice. Naturally, the components and slice size will also have an impact on this figure.

Try choosing a gluten-free pizza if you’re trying to find a healthier option. Most gluten-free pizzas have between 100 and 200 calories per slice, which makes them a much healthier choice for people who are watching their weight or can’t eat certain foods.

What Percentage Of An Extra Large Pizza Is Sliced?

The response to the following query, “How many slices are in an extra-large pizza? The information is now yours! We’ve also demonstrated how you can decide for yourself whether it is something that appeals to you. What Is Pizza Made Of

The typical diameter of an extra-large pizza is 20 to 24 inches. So, an extra-large pizza usually has between 9 and 18 full pieces, depending on the brand you buy. Depending on the restaurant, an extra-large pizza from Pizza Hut, Domino’s, or Papa John’s may have 12 to 14 pieces.

Nevertheless, an extra-large pizza can frequently come with up to 18 slices. This would apply if you were dining at a huge chain restaurant where larger pies were baked for patrons who wanted more food than normal.

Why is your pie size important?

The size of the slice will have a big impact on how much pizza you can eat at once. It’s crucial to be aware of the possible slice sizes if you’re controlling your weight so you can personalize.

The slices in various pizzas are described in the following useful information:

Pizza Hut, which measures 3 inches wide by 6 inches long.

A typical Pizza Hut slice is about 3 inches wide and 6 inches long. That is approximately the size of an adult hand!

Two slices of a large pizza have about 800 calories and 2200 mg of salt, which is more than half your daily recommended intake in only two slices.

Because of this, controlling your portions and knowing how big different pizzas usually are can help you maintain a healthy weight or cut back on calories when you eat out.

On our website, you may learn more about the pizza crusts at Pizza Hut.

A Domino’s pizza that is 7 inches wide and 10 1/2 inches long.

A Domino’s Pizza slice has a somewhat larger size than a typical Pizza Hut slice. It is a 7-inch Domino’s pizza. A Domino’s normal slice measures seven inches wide by 10 1/2 inches long. Nearly the size of a ruler, that!

Two slices from a big pizza at Domino’s will provide you with roughly 800 calories and 2180 mg of sodium, which is comparable to what you would get from three to four pieces at other pizzerias.

7 inches by 11 inches; Papa John’s.

Papa John’s is the only place to go if you want larger slice sizes. On their giant pizzas, a single slice measures 7 inches in width by 11 inches in length.

So, a single slice of a 16-inch medium pizza would have 760 calories and 1960 milligrams of sodium, which is more than half the amount of sodium you should eat every day. Thus, Papa John’s can be the spot for you if you prefer to eat a lot at once!

Knowing the various slice sizes offered by well-known pizza chains will help you choose where to hold your next pizza party. But be sure to count your slices so you don’t consume more calories than you should each day!

The size and number of calories in a single pizza slice vary a lot from one chain restaurant to the next. However, the majority of slices are between 3 and 7 inches wide and 6 to 11 inches long. So that you may tailor the size of your slice to suit your dietary requirements, keep this in mind when purchasing your next pie.

Which pizza size best meets your needs?

Now that you know how many slices make up a big pizza and how many make up an extra large pizza, it’s time to determine which size pizza best suits your requirements.

A 9-inch pizza is an ideal choice if you want a quick snack that will keep you full without consuming too many calories. You can enjoy a few slices without going overboard because this size normally offers between 4 and 6 slices.

Choosing a 12-inch pizza is the best option if you’re looking for a medium-sized dinner. For those who like to have a few extra pizza options to pick from, this size, which offers between 8 and 12 slices, is ideal!

Last but not least, a 14-inch pizza is your best bet if you’re searching for a substantial dinner that will fill you up. With between 12 and 14 slices, this size is ideal for sharing with loved ones or friends.

How hungry you are, how many people will be eating with you, what other food will be offered during the dinner, and other factors all play a role in determining the optimal size pizza for you and your family. As a result, there isn’t a solution that works for everyone.

How to Store Leftover Pizza Best

How to Store Leftover Pizza Best
How to Store Leftover Pizza Best

Knowing the approximate number of slices in a big pizza will help you order the ideal quantity for your gathering. But what would you do if your pizza party was unnecessary that day for some reason?

Buying a mini-pizza to savor as a snack later could be a good idea if you don’t think you can finish a whole pizza in one sitting. The typical number of slices on mini pizzas ranges from 4 to 6, making them the ideal portion size for individuals who don’t want to overindulge.

Keeping Pizza Safe.

There are many ways to store your leftover pizza. You must be careful when storing leftovers because improper preservation methods could degrade the quality of your food, leaving you with an unappetizing dinner. In light of the foregoing, the following is the ideal approach to storing your leftover pizza:

Put a paper towel around your pizza.

Pizza should be wrapped in a paper towel and placed in the refrigerator if you wish to keep it there. Absorbing any possible moisture will prevent the pizza from getting soggy.

Pizza should be placed in a plastic bag.

The best thing to do if you want to freeze your pizza is to put it in a plastic bag. This will help prevent freezer burn and maintain its fresh flavor for future usage.

Keeping In An Airtight Container.

Pizza should be kept in an airtight container for long-term storage if you’re looking for a solution. This will make sure that your food is safe to eat and help keep bacteria from growing.

Never forget that the easiest way to keep leftovers is to place them in an airtight container, wrap them in paper towels, or put them in plastic bags.

Remember to read the label on your particular brand of pizza before adding it to your cart the next time you go shopping, even though following these basic storage instructions might help keep your pizza fresh.

To ensure that it tastes just as excellent when you’re ready to eat it, many companies will have different suggestions for how to store their food.

No matter how you decide to preserve your leftover pizza, think about cutting it up into smaller servings so you can quickly grab something to eat later without having to wash the whole pan.

The Source: How Long Can Pizza Sit Out

How Many Slices In A Large Pizza FAQs?

What is the price of a medium-sized pizza?

Depending on where you live and the sort of pizza you get, the typical cost of a medium pizza will vary. Yet, on average, a medium pizza would cost you anywhere from $10 to $25.

What sets a large pizza apart from an extra-large one?

A huge pizza usually has a diameter of 12–14 inches and may feed 3-5 people. A normal extra-large pizza has a diameter of 16 to 18 inches and may feed 5 to 7 people.

Is eating pizza healthy?

If you choose the correct toppings, pizza may be a nutritious alternative for a snack or supper. Make sure to choose leaner toppings like veggies, chicken, or fish rather than adding an excessive amount of processed meats or high-fat cheese.

What is the caloric content of a slice of pizza?

The average pizza slice has about 100 calories. Toppings, size, and brand all affect this, so check the label on your chosen brand carefully before adding items to your online basket.

Does Pizza Help You Lose Weight?

Pizza is the best low-calorie food option if you want something that tastes good and fills you up. This is the ideal dish for people attempting to lose weight but who are unwilling to give up all of their favorite foods because it combines cheese and dough. Having stated that, let’s examine some of the advantages of pizza for losing weight:

  • Pizza often has fewer calories than the majority of other fast food items.
  • Pizzas are a great source of vitamins and minerals, both of which are necessary for a balanced diet.
  • Pizzas can be modified to accommodate any dietary needs or preferences.
  • Pizzas are a fantastic source of fiber and protein, which helps keep you feeling full for longer.
  • Pizzas are quick to make and simple to prepare!
  • Everyone will like pizza as a crowd-pleasing dining option.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why any weight-loss plan should include pizza! It is easy to prepare, low in calories, and customizable, making it ideal for sharing with friends and family.

But pizza is not the ideal choice if you want a little bit more from your meal. When eaten in moderation, it might be satisfying for most people, but if you add too much cheese, it quickly becomes one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat.

Be sure to eat balanced meals throughout the day and get enough exercise throughout the week if you want to avoid gaining weight while still indulging in tasty foods like pizza.

How many people does a big pizza serve?

A large pizza can typically feed 3–5 people, though this depends on the toppings selected. Consider buying a larger-sized pizza or selecting many smaller pizzas if you need to feed a larger group of people.

How long is leftover pizza good for?

Pizza kept in the fridge may usually be eaten after 3–4 days without any problems. Consider freezing your pizza instead of storing it for an extended amount of time. By doing this, you can keep bacteria from growing on your food and increase its shelf life. Just put the pizza in the fridge overnight to defrost. When you’re ready to eat, you can reheat it in the oven or microwave as needed.

What kind of nutrition does a slice of pizza provide?

Around 250 calories, 10–15 grams of fat, 30–40 grams of carbs, and 10–15 grams of protein are found in a standard slice of pizza. This can change based on the toppings you choose, so make sure to read the nutrition facts for your brand of pizza before you eat it.

What portion size does pizza come in?

Pizza usually comes in one-piece servings; however, this can change based on the brand and type you select. Make sure to change the number of servings if you want to consume a little bit more or less.

How many pizza pieces should you consume each week?

Around two to three pizza servings per week should be part of a healthy diet. Try halving this amount and eating only one serving per week if you want to lose weight.

How many slices make up a Domino’s 7-inch pizza?

A Domino’s 7-inch pizza has four slices. Instead, think about buying an 8- or 10-inch pizza if you want a bigger selection.

Whatever your dietary requirements are, pizza is a cuisine that is simple to include in your diet! If you want to reduce weight, just keep in mind to limit your portion sizes and pick healthier toppings. After that, indulge guilt-free in your favorite foods!


We hope this article has helped you find the solution to the question of how many slices there are in a large pizza. We also offered some useful details regarding the number of slices in a large pizza and an extra large pizza. Following these suggestions should make it simpler than ever to enjoy delectable pizza with friends and family.

You don’t want too much or too little pizza, so it’s crucial to order the proper serving size. You can use this knowledge to ensure that you get the right large pizza when you place your next order.

Now you can order a pizza with the assurance that it will be the ideal size for your family. See our infographic on how big a large pizza is to learn more about how many slices of pizza you should order. Please get in touch with us if you would like to gain additional advice, so you won’t have to worry about ordering too much or too little.

Our staff would be happy to serve you and cook you delicious food at your next party or gathering to make it as fun as possible. How do you feel? Have we missed anything else? Describe your thoughts in the comments section below.



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